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New Year`s Concert 2012 / Neujahrskonzert 2012 - Vienna Philharmonic, Mariss Jansons (Blu-ray)

  • New Year`s Concert 2012 / Neujahrskonzert 2012 - Vienna Philharmonic, Mariss Jansons (Blu-ray)
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Product name: New Year`s Concert 2012 / Neujahrskonzert 2012 - Vienna Philharmonic, Mariss Jansons (Blu-ray)
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The Vienna Philharmonic's annual New Year's concert is conducted by Mariss Jansons.

The concert includes these selections:
- Johann Strauss II/Josef Strauss
"Vaterländjacher Marsch" (Patriotic March)
- Johann Strauss II
"Rathhaus Ball-Tänze", Walzer op. 438 (Town Hall Ball Dances)
"Entweder – oder!", Polka schnell op. 403 (Either Or)
"Tritsch-Tratsch", Polka schnell op. 214 (Chit Chat)
- Carl Michael Ziehrer
"Wiener Bürger", Walzer op. 419 (Viennese Citizens)
- Johann Strauss II
"Albion", Polka op. 102
- Josef Strauss
"Jokey", Polka schnell op. 278
- Joseph Hellmeseberger II
"Danse diabolique" (Diabolic Dance)
- Josef Strauss
"Künstler-Gruss", Polka française op. 274 (Artists' Greeting)
- Johann Strauss II
"Freuet euch des Lebens", Walzer op. 340 (Enjoy Your Life)
- Johann Strauss I
"Sperl-Galopp", op. 42 (Sperl Galop)
- Hans Christian Lumbye
"Copenhagener Eisenhahn-Dampf Galopp" (Copenhagen Steam Railway Galop)
- Josef Strauss
"Feuerfest", Polka française op. 269 (Fireproof)
- Eduard Strauss
"Carmen-Quadrille" op. 134 (Carmen Quadrille)
- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
"Panorama aus 'Dornröschen'" (Panorama from "Sleeping Beauty")
"Walser aus 'Dornröschen'" (Waltz from "Sleeping Beauty")
- Johann Strauss II/Josef Strauss
"Pizzicato-Polka" (Pizzicato Polka)
- Johann Strauss II
"Persischer Marsch" op 289 (Persian March)
- Josef Strauss
"Brennende Liebe", Polka mazur op. 129 (Burning Love)
"Delirien", Walzer op. 212 (Delirium)
- Johann Strauss II
"Unter Donner und Blitz", Polka schnell op. 324 (Thunder and Lightning)
"Tik-Tak", Polka schnell op. 365 (Tic-Toc)
"Neujahrsgruss" (New Year's Address )
- Johann Strauss II
"An der schönen blauen Donau", Walzer op. 314 (By the Beautiful Blue Danube)
- Johan Strauss I
"Radetsky-Marsch", op. 228 (Radetsky March)

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