Silvana Armenulic - Hits [cardboard packaging] (CD)
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Shipping costs for your order will be displayed at the very end of the ordering process, just before you leave delivery details.
Product name:
Silvana Armenulic - Hits [cardboard packaging] (CD)
All customer rights are guaranteed based on the law on consumer protection.
notice - cardboard packaging
01.Zvijezda tera mjeseca
02.Kad ja pođem niz sokak
03.Ljubavi vrati se
04.Kišo, kišo, tiho padaj
05.Sinoć ja i moja kona
06.Moj dilbere
07.Zapjevala sojka ptica
08.Sneg pade, drumi zapadoše
09.Kraj potoka bistre vode
10.Lažni snovi, večna tuga
11.Što ti je mila kćeri jelek raskopčan
12.Ima dana kada ne znam šta radim
13.Rumena ruža mi procvala
14.Vrbas voda nosila jablana
15.Sejdefu majka buđaše
16.Teško meni jadnoj, u Sarajevu samoj
17.Otiš'o si bez pozdrava
18.Da sam ptica
- year of production
- Artist
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