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Slavko Nikolic - The Pearls Of The Songs From Serbia (CD)

  • Slavko Nikolic - The Pearls Of The Songs From Serbia (CD)
  • Slavko Nikolic - The Pearls Of The Songs From Serbia (CD)
  • 4.99 EUR
    5.49 USD
    499.00 RSD


    • For customers from Serbia prices in RSD apply
    • For customers abroad prices in EUR / USD apply


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    Product name: Slavko Nikolic - The Pearls Of The Songs From Serbia (CD)
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    Miodrag Colakovic - piano
    album 2020:

    02.Jorgovan grana procvala
    03.Da su meni oči tvoje
    04.Veruj da te ljubim
    05.Kardučja - live
    06.Zašto sike, zašto
    07.Elegija - live
    08.Stojanke, mori Stojanke
    10.Pod pendžeri
    11.Nane, kazi tajku - live
    12.Bila jednom ruža jedna
    13.Rasle tikve na bunjištu
    14.Pile moje
    15.Sunce zađe za neven za goru
    16.Objavite jednom na velika zvona
    17.Djevo Vladičice
    18.Šašava pesma
    19.Sojka ptica - live
    20.Mesečina - live

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