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Bosko Petrovic - B. P. Convention - Original Album Collection vol. 1 (6x CD)

  • Bosko Petrovic - B. P. Convention - Original Album Collection vol. 1 (6x CD)
  • Bosko Petrovic - B. P. Convention - Original Album Collection vol. 1 (6x CD)
  • 15.00 EUR
    16.50 USD
    1,500.00 RSD

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    Product name: Bosko Petrovic - B. P. Convention - Original Album Collection vol. 1 (6x CD)
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    CD B.P. Convention Zeleno Raspoloženje
    1-1 – Balkanska Uspavanka (Balkan Lullaby)
    1-2 – Mali Smiješak Na Njezin Način (Little Smile Her Way)
    1-3 – Mali Dječak S Velikim Srcem (Little Boy With A Big Heart)
    1-4 – Zeleno Raspoloženje (Green Mood)
    1-5 – Keka Kolo
    1-6 – Stomping At The Savoy
    1-7 – Mladi Skladatelj (Der Junge Komponist)

    CD B.P. Convention Big Band Blue Sunset
    2-1 – Blue Sunset (Tužni Suton)
    2-2 – Sebastian
    2-3 – Midnight Mirror (Ponoćno Ogledalo)
    2-4 – Pink Panther Meets Captain Trooly Around Midnight (Pink Panter Susreće Kapetana Trulog Oko Ponoći)
    2-5 – Tender Touch (Nježni Dodir)
    2-6 – Bosco's Business (Boškova Posla)

    CD B.P. Convention I Zagrebački Solisti Misterij Bluesa / Mistery Of Blues
    3-1 – Mistery Of Blues
    3-2 – Sunday Blues
    3-3 – It Could Happen To You
    3-4 – Blues For Daniel
    3-5 – Na Dubrovački Način - I Stavak
    3-6 – Na Dubrovački Način - II Stavak
    3-7 – Na Dubrovački Način - III Stavak
    3-8 – Django
    3-9 – Quasi Blues
    3-10 – Days Of Wine And Roses
    3-11 – What You Are Doing The Rest Of Your Life
    3-12 – Concertino (For Jazz Quartet And Strings) - I Stavak
    3-13 – Concertino (For Jazz Quartet And Strings) - II Stavak
    3-14 – Concertino (For Jazz Quartet And Strings) - III Stavak

    CD B.P. Convention Big Band Green Lobster Dream
    4-1 – Green Lobster Dream (San Zelenog Jastoga)
    4-2 – Dream Song (Pjesma Sna)
    4-3 – Catch Me If You Can (Uhvati Me Ako Možeš)
    4-4 – My Beautiful Balkan Lady (Moja Prekrasna Balkanska Dama)
    4-5 – Song For Pinky (Pjesma Za Pinka)
    4-6 – Another Bosco's Business (Još Jedan Boškov Posao)

    CD Clark Terry & B.P. Convention Stabilisation Blues
    5-1 – Stabilisation Blues
    5-2 – B. P. Convention On Tour
    5-3 – When I Fall In Love
    5-4 – Loose Blues
    5-5 – I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good
    5-6 – In A Mellow Tone
    5-7 – Blues For Misha

    CD B.P. Convention B.P.C. Moods / The Blues
    6-1 – P.O.V.
    6-2 – Pablo's Mood
    6-3 – J.A.T. Blues
    6-4 – Would You Like Me To Buy You A Dead Dog?

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