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Daleka Obala - Greatest Hits Collection (CD)

  • Daleka Obala - Greatest Hits Collection (CD)
  • Daleka Obala - Greatest Hits Collection (CD)
  • 6.99 EUR
    7.69 USD
    699.00 RSD


    • For customers from Serbia prices in RSD apply
    • For customers abroad prices in EUR / USD apply


    If any Product is temporarily out of stock, you will be informed as soon as possible by email.
    Delivery costs are not included in the price of the product. They are charged separately.
    Shipping costs for your order will be displayed at the very end of the ordering process, just before you leave delivery details.
    Product name: Daleka Obala - Greatest Hits Collection (CD)
    All customer rights are guaranteed based on the law on consumer protection.


    1 Noć je prekrasna
    2 U modroj zori
    3 Ona zbori
    4 Ti nisi tu
    5 Četrnaest palmi
    6 Upeklo je sunce
    7 Od mora do mora
    8 Valovi
    9 Roza
    10 U autobusu
    11 Ovo nije moje vrijeme
    12 Mrlje
    13 Što te više gledam, to te više ne dam
    14 Tonka
    15 Daleka obala
    16 Marica
    17 Nema te
    18 Sušac blues
    19 Morska vila
    20 Di si ti
    21 One bi htjele
    22 Sa' mi je ža'
    23 Mojoj lijepoj

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