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The Real... Blues [box-set] (3x CD)

  • The Real... Blues [box-set] (3x CD)
12,99 EUR
13,64 USD
1.299,00 RSD

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Име производа: The Real... Blues [box-set] (3x CD)
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списак песама:

Disc: 1
1. Sitting on top of the world - Mississippi Sheiks
2. Stack O'Lee - Hurt, Mississippi John
3. Worried life blues - Merriweather, Maceo
4. Nobody knows you when you'*re down and out - Smith, Bessie
5. St. Louis blues - Tatum, Art
6. High Sherriff blues - Patton, Charley
7. How long, how long blues - Carr, Leroy
8. Got the blues for murder city - Johnson, Lonnie
9. St. James infirmary - Armstrong, Louis & His Savoy Ballroom Five
10. You can't get that stuff no more - Red, Tampa
11. Long tall mama - Broonzy, Bill "Big"
12. Rag, mama, rag - Fuller, Blind Boy
13. Moonlight lover blues - Jones, Curtis
14. Early in the morning - Gillum, Bill "Jazz"
15. Shave 'em dry I - Bogan, Lucille
16. Georgia rag - Bill, Georgia
17. Boogie woogie prayer [Part 1] - Boogie Woogie Boys, The
18. Mister boogie - Thompson, Sir Charles
19. Matchbox blues - Jefferson, Blind Lemon
20. Black man - White, Josh
21. Dark was the night - Cold was the ground - Johnson, Blind Willie

Disc: 2
1. 32 - 20 blues - Johnson, Robert
2. Death letter blues - House, Son
3. Me and my chauffeur blues - Memphis Minnie
4. Fine and mellow - Holiday, Billie / Waldron, Mal & The All Stars
5. Mississippi moan - Ellington, Duke
6. Whiskey and gin blues - Memphis Slim
7. Dupree shake dance - Dupree, Champion Jack
8. Take it easy baby - McCoy, Robert Lee
9. Baby, please don't go - Williams, Joe
10. Fixin' to die blues - Whiter, Bukka
11. Easy rider - Ledbetter, Huddie "Leadbelly"
12. Sloppy drunk blues - Williamson, Sonny Boy
13. Texas woman blues - Mahal, Taj
14. You shook me - Dixon, Willie
15. Summertime - Watson, Johnny "Guitar"
16. R.M. Blues (Live) - Milton, Roy
17. I can't be satisfied - Waters, Muddy

Disc: 3
1. Mannish boy - Waters, Muddy
2. Ain't nobody business - Spann, Otis
3. Lucy Mae blues - Guy, Buddy
4. Black magic woman - Fleetwood Mac
5. Unchain my heart - Watson, Johnny "Guitar"
6. Mary Ann (Live) - Bloomfierld, Michael
7. Down at Antones - Fabulous Thunderbirds, The
8. Mean town blues (Live) - Winter, Johnny
9. Poison girl - Whitley, Chris
10. Cold shot - Vaughan, Stevie Ray & Double Trouble
11. Motor head baby - Vaughan, Jimmie
12. Texas - Electric Flag, The
13. Chevrolet - Mahal, Taj
14. Dirt road blues - Dylan, Bob
15. Am I wrong - Keb' Mo'
16. Gallows pole - Hart, Alvin Youngblood
17. I'll take care of you - James, Etta
18. The country - Mayfield, Percy
19. Sad sad day - Waters, Muddy

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