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Diablo 3 - Reaper Of Souls Collectors Edition [expansion] (PC/Mac)

  • Diablo 3 - Reaper Of Souls Collectors Edition [expansion] (PC/Mac)
  • Diablo 3 - Reaper Of Souls Collectors Edition [ekspanzija] (PC/Mac)
  • 89.99 EUR 84.99 EUR
    98.99 USD 93.49 USD
    8,999.00 RSD 8,499.00 RSD

    Ovaj artikal je trenutno rasprodat


    • Za kupce iz Srbije važeća cena je u RSD
    • Za kupce iz inostranstva važeća cena je EUR / US$
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    Ime proizvoda: Diablo 3 - Reaper Of Souls Collectors Edition [ekspanzija] (PC/Mac)
    Zagarantovana sva prava kupaca po osnovu zakona o zaštiti potrošača.

    NAPOMENA: ovaj naslov je "ekspanzija", za njegovo igranje neophodno je da već imate instaliranu osnovnu "Diablo 3" igru!

    kolekcionarsko izdanje sadrži:

    •Diablo III: Reaper of Souls PC/Mac Game - The full version of the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls game on DVD-ROM.
    •Behind the Scenes Blu-ray/DVD Two-Disc Set - Meet the teams behind the Reaper of Souls expansion with this Blu-ray/DVD two-disc set, featuring interviews, roundtable discussions and behind-the-scenes commentary.
    •Reaper of Souls Soundtrack - Expand your music collection with the full Reaper of Souls soundtrack on CD.
    •The Art of Reaper of Souls - Explore the vast collection of artwork that went into the creation of Diablo III’s first expansion. This hardback volume depicts the game’s full artistic develop, from early sketches to final 3D renders.
    •Malthael Mouse Pad - Equip your gaming desk with this ghostly mouse pad, featuring the impenetrable visage of Malthael, the Angel of Death.

    •In-Game Items:
    •Diablo III: Spectral Hound Minion & Aesthetic Artifacts - Charge through Sanctuary with your hellhound minion at your side, and transmogrify your gear with a trio of ageless helms and a full complement of Malthael-inspired weapons.
    •World of Warcraft: Treasure Goblin Pet - The treasure goblin comes and goes through his portals, stopping by to join you on your treasure-hunting expeditions throughout Azeroth.
    •StarCraft II: Crusader Portraits & Malthael Decals - Bring the fervor of the Zakarum to the far reaches of Koprulu Sector with these Crusader-inspired portraits and Malthael decals.

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